Maintenance Shop Update
In 2022, the H.G.C.C. board embarked on a project to construct a new Golf Course Facility Maintenance Building that will provide the proper infastructure to support an 18 hole course, give year round heated storage for critical maintenance on course equipment and house a safe, clean and much more useable space for our maintenance staff to work, while extending the life of the assets.
At the beginning of this project we reach out to the Government of Alberta, our local Special Areas board and our Drumheller Stettler MLA for support on the boards plan. In 2022 we received approval to proceed with design and construction by support letters from our MLA and Special Area Board. The Community Facility Enhancement Program within the Alberta Arts, Culture and Status of Women approved the financial support for the project which allowed the board to proceed with design and construction.
You can see the new shop in place between hole 1 and 2.
We want to give a big thank you to our local vendors, members and board that have worked on this project, because without them this project would not have been a success.